Welcome to the website of The International Academy of Kuwait. My name is John Lynskey, and as Principal, it is my pleasure to introduce you to our wonderful school. We take great pride in presenting our students with a challenging, rigorous and aspirational program of study, based upon the English National Curriculum. This provides our students with an internationally recognised qualification that can lead to the best universities in the world! Our Alumni regularly update us on their success! We aim to provide a safe and nurturing environment, where all students are able to achieve their potential. Whilst there is naturally a strong emphasis on academic success, we also realise the importance of building well rounded students through our broad curriculum and extensive extra curriculum program. We are proud to instill values that allow our students to express their individuality, whilst developing an understanding and acceptance of differences. Students will have the chance to develop resilience, tolerance, sporting prowess , and experience leadership opportunities. This makes our students stand out as 21st century global citizens who can contribute to their family, school and wider community in Kuwait and beyond. We support our students every step of the way, and in partnership with our parents, we ensure that our students become confident and independent lifelong learners. Please take the time to view our website and follow us on social media. If you have any questions, then please contact us. We would love to help you.

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