Learning And Teaching
Our academic philosophy is that if we help students rediscover a passion for learning and discovery.
Early years Foundation Stage
The Foundation Section has two sections, Kindergarten and Reception. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum of England. The EYFS was introduced in the 90s following lengthy research into how young children learn best, and it highlighted the need for a more, practical, experimental and activity-based form of learning to meet a young child’s needs. This may be very different from your experience of starting school. The EYFS recognises that children need to be able to use concrete experiences to provide the building blocks for their learning, so with that in mind it utilises the fact that children learn…
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In the Primary School (year 1 to 6) we use the National Curriculum of England to deliver learning the medium of English in the core subjects of English and Mathematics. In addition to these core subjects, the school provides a curriculum in Science, Humanities, PE, Art, ICT, French and KSS. The Arabic language and Islamic Studies curriculums are delivered as per the Ministry of Education guidelines.Our curriculum is designed to provide an aspirational and rounded education for all children, helping them to grow into confident, thoughtful, highly motivated lifelong-learners who continually expand what they believe to be possible. As well…
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Students in the secondary school study using textbooks based on the National Curriculum of England, with a view to preparing them for the IGCSE and Advanced Level examinations (Year 11). We strive to maintain and develop high standards of education, both in teaching and in learning, necessitating an ongoing process of self-evaluation, designed to keep our school functioning at a level of excellence. Teachers are asked to undertake self-evaluation and peer evaluation to improve teaching practice. Students are encouraged to evaluate their own learning, and to set achievable, yet aspirational targets, thus developing greater self-awareness of their current attainment and…
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Arabic & Islamic Studies
ISLAMIC DEPARTMENT غرس العقيدة السليمة و الأخلاق الإسلامية و القيم التربوية السامية داخل الطلبة و الطالبات من خلال الدروس المقررة في المجالات المختلفة لمادة التربية الإسلامية مع بناء الفكر السليم نحو الوطن و المجتمع و الأسرة و الأصدقاء و تطبيق العبادات المطلوبة من الطلبة و الطالبات. ARABIC DEPARTMENT قسم اللغة العربية بمدرسة الأكاديمية الدولية يهنئكم ببداية العام الدراسي 2019-2020 متمنيا لكم عاما سعيدا ً. القسم يعمل به مجموعة من المعلمين والمعلمات يتميزون بالكفاءة الكبيرة والخبرات العريضة بطرق التدريس الحديثة حيث يقومون بتدريس الأهداف العامة والخاصة للغة العربية وفق لكل مرحلة تبعا لمنهج وزارة التربية الكويتية ويحرصون على غرس القيم التربوية ومكارم الأخلاق في نفوس وسلوك…
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The School has four computer laboratories with 30 computers in each lab accessible to students. It has advanced infrastructure in terms of hardware and software which cater to the requirements of the students, teachers and the curriculum. The school is equipped with a dedicated broadband Internet connection to help students get a chance to be familiar with the Internet. They do comprehensive research for their projects and presentations. The Labs are also equipped with smart projectors that engage students in interactive learning environment. The department has qualified committed teachers to teach different classes at different levels Foundation, Primary and Secondary. The faculty members make continuous efforts to see that the students get expertise in practical implementation of tools they have in their curriculum. The Information Technology curriculum has been planned in such a way that the students will get exposure to various technologies and software. In the Primary section, the students are trained to use basic software like Windows, MS-Office (Ms-Word, MS-PowerPoint, Ms-Excel etc. In the higher classes the students have an option to learn advanced software which are the part of their curriculum. The Students get exposure to the latest Multimedia software like Photoshop, Windows Movie Maker etc. On the other hand to sharpen their logical and reasoning skills, they learn how to use Scratch to create programs and games. All school classrooms have access to internet connection to help teachers make good use of resources on the World Wide Web. Projectors and Smart projectors are also installed in all classrooms. The school is also equipped with CCTV cameras to monitor what the students are doing on campus. Cameras live-stream the feed, which is recorded as well, to the IT department.

Central to all we do at IAK is the belief that each of our students should feel supported and valued. A carefully integrated system of pastoral care has created a strong team of staff, each with the responsibility of looking after the welfare of an allocated group of children. In Foundation Stage it is the class teacher and classroom assistant who take primary responsibility for the care of the children in their class. They are lead and assisted by a Head of Foundation. In Primary (Years 1 to 6), the class teacher (in year 1 and 2, the classroom assistant also) are the primary caretakers of the children in their class. Ultimate responsibility rests with the Deputy Head and Head…
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